
Life was going on smoothly with busy days and hectic schedules and suddenly a halt in everything and the life was upsidedown, not only for me but for my family also. Brain stopped working and had almost turned blank and I felt shattered. At such a young age of being just in thirties life had just stopped.


It so happened that some purplish black spots on my legs started appearing and went then I went to a doctor thinking it to be a skin infection , was advised to go for blood work and unfortunately the reports were absolutely haywire. Fortunately I have a family full of doctors, hence a cousin of mine advised me to immediately visit an oncologist and then started the whole process.


The diagnoses came as blood cancer to be specific Acute Promylotic Leukemia subtype M3 very recently just in May 2011. The treatment started with 3 rounds spread over a period of 3 months of chemo and medicines ,lots of poking and prodging which was finally over in 3 months. Yeah but in my case 2 years of maintenance has to go on with some oral medicine and some restrictions …and when restrictions are there on anybody it feels sad but anyways one should only think of the positiveside of it…….like restrictions of not eating outside would make u loose some weight ,not going to crowded places would make u look young and beautiful as ur skin would not be exposed to sun and pollution ;)


Treatment includes induction – chemo with many other medicines , consolidation – 2 rounds of chemo with some oral medicine and then maintenance 2 years …although sounds a long period but one should take it with right attitude.


During my treatment what kept me up was the support from my family ,prayers of my near and dear ones and belief in GOD and also faith in your doctor .

Whenever u feel low , just think of people who are born with some defects and have to live their whole life with it….God Bless them and God Bless all.